Protect your clothes by storing them properly
Protect your clothes by storing them properly

Utilizing purpose-built or newly created storage space is a great way to free up some living space within your home or apartment. You can have storage built into your existing closets or you can find storage space somewhere else in the home. There are even storage facilities that you can rent outside of your home. If you have a lot of clothing that you don’t need year-round, you can preserve its quality by packing it up. There are a few different methods you can use to keep your clothes protected.

Vacuum Sealing Your Clothes

Vacuum sealing your clothing is great for short-term storage needs. This would be beneficial if you are storing items for a season or two until you need your items again. According to On the Move, plastic bags trap moisture and cause mold to grow, making it a less than ideal long-term storage option. You also save a lot of space with vacuum sealing. This process packs your items down to only a fraction of their original size.

A Dedicated Storage Closet

Aside from your regular closet that you frequent each day, you can keep your items in a storage closet that you visit every so often. The items you store here should be washed, hung, or folded properly. Make sure it’s an area that has a controlled moisture level, is free of pets, and has no trapped odors.

Preparing the Clothing

Before you store your items, it’s important that they are prepared for the off-season. You don’t want to put away clothing that is dirty or stained. This will only further damage the clothes before you pull them back out. When you decide it’s time to change over your closet, wash the items and dry them completely. If there are spots on any of the items, Mom’s Goop suggests treating them before they are washed. Certain items are prone to stretching when they’re stored on a hanger. Heavy sweaters and loose knits would be better off folded and kept laying flat.

If you have a large collection of nice clothing, it’s beneficial for you to find the proper way to store your items when they are not in use. If you don’t currently have an area of your home that you can use for storage, you can have a company or contractor come out to create a solution. Not only will your clothing be protected, but your space will also be organized. This allows you to know what you have at all times.

Need some extra storage? Bring your things to StoreMore Self Storage, today!

Protect Your Clothes by Storing them Properly
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